■ Drink one less beer/cocktail/shot at the bar a week – and feel better the next day, as well!
■ Stop purchasing soda – and risk losing a few pounds ;)
■ Take a healthy bag lunch to work, which will cost you $2 or $3 instead of $7+
■ Save money on shampoo by skiping washes – washing your hair every single day is bad for your hair (Dry hair (no natural oils) is also a nicer home for lice – yuck!)
■ Stop buying chips. Grow some carrots.
■ Stop buying new shoes for every occasion, you already have 100 pair.
■ Quit purchasing harsh drug store facial and body cleansers. They contain detergents and dry out your skin, causing you to break out…which leads to using acne products and other antibiotics or OTC meds.
■ If you have to think about that shirt on the rack for more than 20 secs, put it back, you obviously didn’t want or need it that bad.
■ Ride your bike or walk to your destination in the summertime and save on gasoline.
■ Are you buying febreeze and other household sprays and carpet fresh? Stop. Daily use can cause skin and respiratory irritation and infection which will send you to the drug store to buy another product that has 10 other side effects which are worse than the original condition. Want cheap, safe and effective? Baking soda and vinegar. BAM!
■ Put $5 a week away
■ Quit smoking
■ Ask your doctor for a referral to a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) and claim it on your insurance or use your FLEX spending.
■ Get a SAVINGS punch card or a Deeply Rooted Membership at Deep Roots Massage and save a ton!
■ Buy popcorn kernnels – that bag stuff is awful and no good for you.
■ Beans and rice are cheaper in bulk than canned and you don’t risk BPA exposure
■ Cancel cable. Get Netflixed.
■ Stay away – far away – from vending machines.

I’m sure I forgot MANY ways to save up for YOUR HEALTH and WELLNESS – please comment!~