“I’ve heard of sound healing, but what is it exactly?”

Sound healing is a way of bringing one’s energetic vibration into harmony so that the body can float into its natural healing state – that’s why you’ll often hear it called a sound healing bath! Our bodies’ physical make up is mostly water, we are pure energetic beings. The water in our bodies respond to the tides around us; whether those are high tides of stress or low tides of rest and self care. How are you treating yourself during times of turbulence? The energy pools in our bodies, chakras, can be spinning vortexes of radiant light when they are aligned, but all too often in this world of constant distractions and pulls in every direction, our chakras get bumped out of line. If we don’t put breath and energy constantly towards working through that argument we had at home or that angry driver we encountered on the highway, these unprocessed emotions are getting trapped in our energetic bodies as well as in our physical make up.
This is through no fault of our own! The first step is acceptance that something feels off, or just not right. Symptoms of this could be anxiety, high stress response, depressive episodes, even chronic pain can be caused by long term imbalances.
Receiving a sound healing is equivalent to an energetic tune up for your chakras, allowing your aura to radiate as brilliantly as your soul truly shines!